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Avalo Networks Support Response Policy


Avalo Networks is dedicated to providing the best possible customer experience we can. As such we have outlined our support response policy with regards to ticket, and submitted support requests. For most customers these details can be found in your Master Service Agreement located united Exhibit C – Service Levels.

Please note that any changes to These Service Levels most be reflected in your Master Service Agreement, and the below are set forth as guidelines for all customers.


Priority Definitions (All Tickets):

Priority 4 (Low):

This is for un-important issues or tasks; rarely used

Response Time

Commercially reasonable effort — Avalo Networks will make every reasonable effort to respond to these type of requests. They do take the lowest priority and will be services after all other requests have been handled.

Priority 3 (Normal):

This is the default priority for day-to-day account-centric problems such as access to the account, password renewal, etc.

Response Time

16 support hours — Avalo Networks has update to 16 hours to response that work has stated and that we are investigating the issue. Normally this would never be the case, and our average time to resolution is less than 2 hours. But Avalo Networks needs the time to be able to investigate all issue and provide complete resolutions.

Priority 2 (High):

This is the priority when severe problems are experienced such as partial service outage on multiple accounts. Examples include calls to specific areas not completing, specific portion of a web interface not functioning properly, etc.

Response Time

6 support hours — Avalo Networks understands that a Priority 2 (High) classified ticket or request, comes with a greater sense of severity. As such we set the priority of these tickets higher and thus work to respond more quickly.

Priority 1 (Emergency):

This priority should be reserved for system-wide outages that affect all accounts. Examples include no dial-tone, unable to complete any calls, no web access, etc.

Response Time

1 – 4 support hour to respond — Simply out, and Emergency is an Emergency and needs to be handled as such. However it should be noted, that customers who subject Priority 1 tickets that are not truly “Emergencies” as defined here, Avalo Networks reserves the right to bill a services fee of no less than $150.00.


Response Time is calculated from the time Service Provider dispatches the ticket to Avalo Networks until the time when Avalo Networks provides a response to the ticket (note: a response does not constitute a Work-Around or a Permanent Solution). Avalo Networks shall use reasonable commercial efforts to adhere to the response times outlined below:


Delivery of Work-Arounds:

Avalo Networks shall use reasonable commercial efforts to deliver a Work-Around according to the time frames outlined below:

Priority 4 (Low) – Commercially reasonable

Priority 3 (Normal) –  3 – 15 support days to respond

Priority 2 (High) – 5 support days to respond

Priority (Emergency) – 1 – 2 days to respond


Permanent Solutions:

Avalo Networks shall use reasonable commercial efforts to deliver Permanent Solutions to all known issues in the regularly scheduled updates.


Avalo Networks will periodically update the Avalo Voice Platform Devices, services, and functionality with permanent solutions to known issues. Updates will also be used to make existing Devices, services, and functionality operate more efficiently and effectively.

Updated on June 21, 2018

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