The Advanced Callflows application takes the power of our original, graphical drag and drop user interface and brings it to Flex UC.
Advanced Callflows features a drag and drop interface allows you to select from over 50 items in our “call handling toolbox” to chain together. These chains, known as callflows, allow you to manipulate the flow a call takes as a caller traverses various features, menus and call routing decisions in the system.
Use the Advanced Callflow editor to configure every step a caller can take when calling a phone number or extension. Route calls to menus, ring groups, voicemails, conference bridges, call queues, call recordings and more. Manipulate calls by detecting, changing and routing based on Caller ID or number patterns dialed.
View a visual representation of the call routing strategy you’ve created. Manage all features available in the system and combine them in any way you can think of. Provide custom call routing for main numbers, support queues, sales numbers and individual users who might want custom call strategies. The sky’s the limit on what you can create.
Visualize Callflows Easily
The Advanced Callflows graphical interface allows you to visualize what is going to happen to callers when they reach a phone number in your system. Design complex call handling routines without cumbersome programming routines or complicated manuals.
Drag and Drop Management
Drag and drop elements to manage callflow elements so they route as you desire.
Over 50+ Call Handling Actions
Utilize and chain together over fifty different call handling actions to create the exact experience for callers that you desire. Ring users, devices, menus, ring groups, overhead paging units and more. Process custom inbound calls with custom routines utilizing Pivot or other call handling routines.
Time of Day Routing Device / User Routing Menus / IVRs Call Pickup BLF / Presence Manipulation Outbound Call Routing Much More…
Multiple Numbers and Extensions
Create callflows that are accessed by one or more numbers and extensions. Name callflows with friendly names for easy searching and lookup.
Technical Specifications
Device and User Call Processing
- Ring an individual device
- Ring all devices owned by a user
- Ring a group of devices and/or users
- Ring devices and/or users with individual delays
- IVR / Menus
- Up to ten configurable menu options
- Chain menus together
Basic Custom Callflows
- Create own call flow with these editable options:
- Play Media
- Ring Group
- Conference
- User
- Voicemail
- Menu
Advanced Custom Callflows
- Device
- Callflow
- Page Group
- Manual Presence
- Language
- Group Pickup
- Receive Fax
- Pivot
- Response
- Conference Service
- Check Voicemail
- Fax Boxes
- Global Carrier
- Account Carrier
- Directory
Time of Day Actions
- Time of Day
- Disable Time of Day
- Enable Time of Day
- Reset Time of Day
Hotdesking Actions
- Hot Desk Login
- Hot Desk Logout
- Hot Desk Toggle
Caller-ID Actions
- Dynamic CID
- Prepend
- Reset Prepend
Call Recording Actions
- Start Call Recording
- Stop Call Recording
Call Forwarding Actions
- Enable Call Forwarding
- Disable Call Forwarding
- Update Call Forwarding
Editable Account Settings
- Account’s Inbound Caller ID
- Account’s Outbound Caller ID
- Account’s Emergency Caller ID
- Account’s Music on Hold
- Blacklists
Customizable Feature Codes
- Call-Forward
- Hot-Desking
- Miscellaneous
- Parking